Caratteristiche delle password su AS/400



Per visualizzare le caratteristiche che devono avere le password sul proprio sistema iSeries è necessario visualizzare le seguenti variabili di sistema, entrando con un utente SECOFR.

Name in
Operations Navigator
Description of
system value
Name in
command interface
Password level Sets the password level for the system. QPWDLVL

Minimum password length Sets the minimum length for a password. QPWDMINLEN

Maximum password length Sets the maximum length for a password. QPWDMAXLEN

Require at least one digit Sets the passwords used on the system to use at least one digit. QPWDRQDDGT

Restrict consecutive digits Sets the passwords on the system to restrict consecutive digits. QPWDLMTAJC

Restricted characters Specifies the characters to be restricted. QPWDLMTCHR

Restrict repeating characters Specifies whether or not to restrict repeating characters. QPWDLMTREP

Require a new character in each position Sets the passwords on the system to require a new character in each position. QPWDPOSDIF

Password reuse cycle Specifies when a password can be used again. QPWDRQDDIF

Password expiration Specifies when a password expires. QPWDEXPITV



Di seguito un esempio di quello che si andrà a visualizzare.


System value . . . . . : QPWDLVL

Description . . . . . : Password level

Password level . . . . : 0

0 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters

are supported.

1 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters

are supported. i5/OS NetServer passwords for Windows

95/98/ME clients will be removed from the system. Note:

Windows 2000/XP clients that use mixed case passwords

need to use NetServer passwords.

2 User profile passwords with a length of 1-128 characters

Display System Value

System value . . . . . : QPWDMINLEN

Description . . . . . : Minimum password length

Minimum password length: 6 1-128


In seguito un esempio di quello che si andrà a visualizzare.

System value . . . . . : QPWDLVL

Description . . . . . : Password level

Password level . . . . : 0

0 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters

are supported.

1 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters

are supported. i5/OS NetServer passwords for Windows

95/98/ME clients will be removed from the system. Note:

Windows 2000/XP clients that use mixed case passwords

need to use NetServer passwords.

2 User profile passwords with a length of 1-128 characters

Display System Value

System value . . . . . : QPWDMINLEN

Description . . . . . : Minimum password length

Minimum password length: 6 1-128


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