Per visualizzare le caratteristiche che devono avere le password sul proprio sistema iSeries è necessario visualizzare le seguenti variabili di sistema, entrando con un utente SECOFR.
Name in Operations Navigator |
Description of system value |
Name in command interface |
Password level | Sets the password level for the system. | QPWDLVL |
Minimum password length | Sets the minimum length for a password. | QPWDMINLEN |
Maximum password length | Sets the maximum length for a password. | QPWDMAXLEN |
Require at least one digit | Sets the passwords used on the system to use at least one digit. | QPWDRQDDGT |
Restrict consecutive digits | Sets the passwords on the system to restrict consecutive digits. | QPWDLMTAJC |
Restricted characters | Specifies the characters to be restricted. | QPWDLMTCHR |
Restrict repeating characters | Specifies whether or not to restrict repeating characters. | QPWDLMTREP |
Require a new character in each position | Sets the passwords on the system to require a new character in each position. | QPWDPOSDIF |
Password reuse cycle | Specifies when a password can be used again. | QPWDRQDDIF |
Password expiration | Specifies when a password expires. | QPWDEXPITV |
Di seguito un esempio di quello che si andrà a visualizzare.
System value . . . . . : QPWDLVL
Description . . . . . : Password level Password level . . . . : 0 0 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters are supported. 1 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters are supported. i5/OS NetServer passwords for Windows 95/98/ME clients will be removed from the system. Note: Windows 2000/XP clients that use mixed case passwords need to use NetServer passwords. 2 User profile passwords with a length of 1-128 characters |
Display System Value System value . . . . . : QPWDMINLEN Description . . . . . : Minimum password length Minimum password length: 6 1-128 |
In seguito un esempio di quello che si andrà a visualizzare. |
System value . . . . . : QPWDLVL Description . . . . . : Password level Password level . . . . : 0 0 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters are supported. 1 User profile passwords with a length of 1-10 characters are supported. i5/OS NetServer passwords for Windows 95/98/ME clients will be removed from the system. Note: Windows 2000/XP clients that use mixed case passwords need to use NetServer passwords. 2 User profile passwords with a length of 1-128 characters |
Display System Value System value . . . . . : QPWDMINLEN Description . . . . . : Minimum password length Minimum password length: 6 1-128 |